Amazing Body Paintings from World Festival

World Body painting Festival was established in 1998, it developed into the World Awards for Body and Facepainting Artists. Since 1998 the world’s most colourful event has taken place every year in Austria. The “World Bodypainting Festival” is the biggest art event in the bodypainting theme and ten thousands of visitors admire the wonderful work of the participants. Aritsts from 40 nations worldwide come to this unique event and put body art into the mountain and lake scenery. I hope you like these body paintings / body painting artworks / body art.

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting

body painting


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